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Temperature Chamber - EC1XHA models with Ambient Blower Motor

EC1xHA Models

The EC1xHA model temperature chamber offers the same features as our EC1x model chambers with the added feature of an ambient blower. This 200 CFM blower pulls in ambient air from outside the chamber to assist in cooling the interior workspace. It is then vented out the chamber's 3 1/2" diameter exhaust port. The ambient blower feature allows the user to conserve coolant when cooling the chamber down from high temperatures. The ambient blower is mounted on the back of the chamber and can be controlled from commands issued from the front panel, inserted in local programs or through the remote interface.

Temperature ChamberThe EC1xHA chambers may be equipped with optional features such as circular ports ranging from 1" to 4", adjustable shelves, window doors, N2 gas purge and electronic failsafe. Cooling options such as 3 tank LCO2 auto switching, 2 tank LN2 auto switching, LN2 line purge (required to cool long LN2 lines from supply to chamber) and LN2 redundant valve (safety option) may be added as well.

The summary table below can be used to compare the different size EC1XHA chambers. For a comparison of Sun's chambers based on controller style, see our Chamber Comparison Table.


Model EC13HA (pdf) EC15HA (pdf) EC16HA (pdf)
Working Volume

3.0 ft3
(0.085 m3)

5.0 ft3
(0.142 m3)

6.16 ft3
(0.174 m3)

Work space dimensions [inches(centimeters)] 20.0 (50.8) W
12.0 (30.5) H
22.0 (40.6) D
20.0 (50.8) W
12.0 (30.5) H
36.0 (91.4) D
22.0 (55.9) W
22.0 (55.9) H
22.0 (55.9) D
Overall dimensions [inches(centimeters)] 30.0 (76.2) W
19.5 (49.5) H
36.0 (91.4) D
30.0 (76.2) W
19.5 (49.5) H
50.0 (127.0) D
32.0 (81.3) W
29.5 (74.9) H
36.0 (91.4) D
Max Heat/Cool Rate .5ºC/sec
Air-Flow (CFM, Vertical) 600 ft3/min 600 ft3/min 600 ft3/min

Power Option 110VAC 50/60 Hz

Power Option 208/220VAC, 50/60Hz
Single Phase, 3/4 Wire

Power Option 240 VAC, 50 Hz
Single Phase, 3 Wire

Power Requirement 6000 Watts 3000 Watts 6000 Watts
Weight; Net/Shipping 108/125 lbs 138/175 lbs 165/185 lbs
Expendable Gas Coolant Usage
LCO2 @ 0°C
5 lbs/hr 5 lbs/hr 12 lbs/hr
Expendable Gas Coolant Usage
LCO2 @ -55°C
15 lbs/hr 15 lbs/hr 35 lbs/hr
Expendable Gas Coolant Usage
LN2 @ 0°C
2.5 lbs/hr 2.5 lbs/hr 6 lbs/hr
Expendable Gas Coolant Usage
LN2 @ -55°C
7.5 lbs/hr 7.5 lbs/hr 18 lbs/hr
(included in chamber cost)
MODEL TC10 (not available for retrofit)
Temperature Set Point Range -73ºC to +315ºC in 0.1ºC Steps (LN2 Option: -184ºC to +315ºC) Except for **EC1.3w -73ºC to +400ºC in 0.1ºC Steps (LN2 Option: -184ºC to +400ºC)
Time at Temperature Range 1.0 sec to 99 hr 59 min 59 sec or Continuous
Temperature Ramping Rate Control Locally Controlled from 0.01ºC/min up to the Specified Heat/Cool Rate of Change
Programmable Set Temps and Times Number of Set Temperatures and Set Times
Limited Only By Available Program Memory. (Typically 100+ Segments)
Absolute Error (not including probe error) ±0.25ºC
Long Term Stability (per month) ±0.2ºC
Temperature Resolution 0.02ºC
Line Voltage Sensitivity (105-125 VAC) ±0.1ºC
Programmable Temperature Loop Control 1 to 65,535 FOR/NEXT Loop Executions for 10 Loops, Nesting Supported
Temperature Control Technique PID Algorithm / Pulse Width Modulated, Programmable from Keyboard
or Remote Interfaces
Local Operation 29 Key Keyboard / 2 Line LCD
Remote Operation Built-in IEEE-488 / RS232 / RS422 Interfaces
Additional I/O Capability Electrically Isolated USER Temperature/Voltage Probe, 4 Channels of Analog Input and Analog Output, 16 Bit Address/8Bit Data Parallel Port, 56 KBit Auxiliary High Speed Serial Port, IEEE-488 to RS232/RS422 Transparent Mode, 5 Auxiliary Outputs, 8 Auxiliary Inputs
Safety Features Open/Short Probe Detection, Adjustable Over Temperature Thermostat, Software Upper and Lower Temperature Limit
Convenience Features Heat/Cool Enable/Disable Switches, Battery-backed Memory for Programs, Setup Menus for Probe CAL, Remote Interrupt Operation and Default Conditions for Alarms and Interfaces, Time of Day Clock